10 Fashion Tips for Tall Women: How to Accentuate Your Height

Tall women's clothing. How to choose and combine clothes?

Are you a tall woman struggling to find clothing that fits and flatters your figure? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Being tall can be both a blessing and a curse when it comes to fashion. On one hand, you have long legs for days. On the other hand, finding clothes that fit properly can be frustrating and time-consuming. But fear not, as we’ve compiled 10 fashion tips specifically for tall women like yourself! From choosing the right heels to shopping at stores with a wide selection of tall clothing, these tips will help accentuate your height and leave you feeling confident in your own skin. So let’s dive in!

Dress for Your Height

When it comes to dressing for your height, the key is all about balance. You want to accentuate your height without overwhelming your frame. One way to achieve this is by paying attention to proportions.

First and foremost, make sure you’re choosing clothing that fits properly. Avoid pieces that are too loose or too tight, as they can create an unflattering silhouette. Instead, opt for tailored pieces that hug your curves in all the right places.

Another tip is to play with different lengths. For example, if you have long legs, try pairing high-waisted pants with a cropped top or tucking in a blouse into a midi skirt. This will help break up your figure and add some visual interest.

And don’t be afraid of prints and patterns! Contrary to popular belief, tall women can absolutely rock bold prints and statement patterns without looking overpowering. Just make sure to choose ones that flatter your body shape and avoid anything too busy or chaotic.

Remember – dressing for your height isn’t about hiding or minimizing it; it’s about embracing what makes you unique and showcasing it in the best light possible!

Wear Heels that Fit Your Height

When it comes to choosing heels, tall women need to be careful not to overdo it. While high heels can add some extra height and elongate the legs, wearing a pair that’s too high for your height can actually detract from your overall look. The key is finding a heel that fits your height and body type.

If you’re already quite tall, opt for shoes with lower heels or even flats. Wearing sky-high stilettos might make you feel like you’re towering over everyone else in the room, but they could also throw off your proportions and make you appear top-heavy.

On the other hand, if you’re on the shorter side of being tall – say between 5’8″ and 6′ – then medium-height heels may work best for you. These will give you some extra lift without making an already-tall frame seem overwhelming.

Of course, there are always exceptions to these guidelines! If you have long legs and a shorter torso, then higher heels might balance out your proportions nicely. Similarly, if you have short legs but a longer torso or neck, then low-heeled shoes could emphasize this disparity unnecessarily.

Ultimately, when shopping for new footwear as a taller woman, try on different styles and heights until you find what works best for YOU – regardless of what anyone else says!

Choose Clothing that Flatters Your Figure

One of the most important fashion tips for tall women is to choose clothing that flatters your figure. This means selecting pieces that accentuate your height and create a balanced look.

When it comes to tops, opt for styles with defined waists or belts to emphasize your curves. Avoid baggy or shapeless tops which can make you appear larger than you are.

For bottoms, high-waisted pants and skirts work well on tall frames as they elongate the legs even further. A-line skirts and dresses also complement tall figures by creating a feminine silhouette.

In terms of patterns and colors, vertical stripes can help lengthen the body while bold prints should be worn sparingly. Neutral colors like black, navy, and gray are great options for taller women as they provide an elegant look without overwhelming their height.

It’s also important to consider fit when choosing clothing. Tailored pieces will always look better on a tall frame compared to oversized garments that can swallow up your figure.

By following these simple tips, you’ll be able to choose clothing that flatters your unique body type while showcasing your beautiful height!

READ MORE : The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Tall Yoga Pants

Keep Accessories Short and Stylish

Accessories can make or break an outfit, especially for tall women. When it comes to accessories, the key is to keep them short and stylish. Long necklaces and dangling earrings may look great on shorter women but they can overwhelm a taller frame. Instead, opt for smaller pieces that complement your outfit without drawing too much attention.

Belts are another accessory that tall women need to be careful with. Wide belts can make you look disproportionate so try wearing skinny belts instead. They accentuate your waistline without overpowering your look.

When it comes to bags, go for medium-sized options that sit comfortably under your arm or at your hip. Avoid oversized bags as they will only add more bulk to your already long frame.

Sunglasses are a great way to incorporate style into an outfit while keeping things short and simple. Go for classic styles like aviators or wayfarers which suit most face shapes and sizes.

Don’t forget about scarves! They’re a versatile accessory perfect for adding color and texture to any outfit. Keep them short by opting for small silk scarves or tying larger ones in neat knots around your neck.

When it comes to accessories less is often more for tall women looking to accentuate their height in all the right ways!

Use High Heels Wisely

High heels are a great way to accentuate your height and add an extra touch of elegance to any outfit. However, it is important to use them wisely in order to avoid discomfort or injury.

When selecting high heels, choose ones that provide adequate support for your feet and ankles. This will help prevent pain or injuries caused by wearing uncomfortable shoes for extended periods of time.

It’s also important to consider the occasion when choosing high heels. If you’re going to be walking long distances or standing for extended periods of time, opt for lower heels or more comfortable styles.

Another tip is to practice walking in high heels before wearing them out in public. This will not only help you feel more confident but also build up your foot muscles and improve balance.

Don’t forget about the importance of proper posture when wearing high heels. Stand tall with shoulders back and head held high – this will not only make you look taller but also exude confidence.

By using high heels wisely and taking these tips into consideration, tall women can confidently showcase their height while still prioritizing comfort and safety.

Find Shoes That Are Comfortable and Breathable

Shoe shopping can be a daunting task for tall women. Not only do you need to find shoes that fit your size, but also ones that are comfortable and breathable. This is especially important if you’re planning on wearing them for long periods of time.

Firstly, when shopping for shoes it’s important to consider the material they are made from. Look for materials such as leather or mesh which allow your feet to breathe and prevent excessive sweating.

Another factor to consider is the type of shoe. Avoid shoes with narrow or pointed toes as these can cause discomfort and even deformities in the long run. Instead opt for rounded-toe options or even sandals during warmer months.

When trying on shoes, make sure you walk around in them to test their level of comfortability before purchasing them. Additionally, don’t be afraid to ask store associates for recommendations or advice on shoe brands that cater specifically towards tall women.

Investing in quality footwear may cost more initially but will save you money in the long run by avoiding podiatric issues caused by ill-fitting or uncomfortable shoes.

Shop in Stores That Have a Wide Selection of Tall Clothing

For tall women, shopping for clothing can be a frustrating experience. Many stores carry limited options for those who are taller than average, making it difficult to find clothes that fit well and flatter your figure. That’s why it’s important to seek out stores that cater specifically to the needs of tall women.

By choosing to shop at stores with a wide selection of tall clothing, you’ll have access to pieces designed specifically for your body type. This means finding pants with longer inseams, dresses with longer hemlines, and tops and jackets cut in ways that complement your height.

Some popular retailers that offer extended sizes include ASOS Tall, Madewell Tall, and J.

Crew Tall. These brands understand the unique challenges faced by taller women when it comes to fashion and create garments tailored specifically for them.

Shopping online is also an excellent option as many e-commerce sites feature sections dedicated solely to tall sizes. It’s easy to browse through these sections and find items that suit your style without having to search high and low in physical stores.

Ultimately, shopping at stores with a broad range of styles available will not only save you time but also ensure you’re always dressed comfortably while embracing your height.

Follow Fashion Trends That Are Suitable for Your Height

One of the best ways to accentuate your height is by following fashion trends that are suitable for tall women. When you dress in styles that complement your body type, you can enhance your natural look and feel confident and beautiful.

A great place to start when looking for trendy pieces is by browsing online fashion blogs and magazines. Look for styles that have been popular among taller models or celebrities with a similar build as yours.

Another tip is to try on different outfits and experiment with various clothing combinations until you find ones that flatter your figure. For example, wearing high-waisted jeans or skirts can elongate your legs even more while emphasizing your waistline.

You can also play around with prints, patterns, and colors. Vertical stripes are always a good choice for tall women since they add length to your frame without overwhelming it. Likewise, bold statement prints like florals or animal prints can be fun choices to showcase your unique style.

When choosing accessories such as belts, scarves or necklaces opt for shorter lengths so they don’t overwhelm your frame. Remember to keep everything proportional – large statement jewelry may not work as well on someone who has longer limbs than their torso!

Following current fashion trends can be an excellent way to showcase the beauty of being a tall woman while feeling stylish and confident in what you wear!

Take Photos of Yourself to Show Off Your Style

Taking photos of yourself is a great way to showcase your personal style. As a tall woman, it’s important to find outfits that accentuate your height and make you feel confident. By taking photos, you can see how certain pieces look on your body and figure out what works best for you.

When taking photos, try different angles and poses to show off the details of your outfit. You can also experiment with different lighting settings to capture the colors and textures of your clothing. It’s also helpful to take full-body shots so you can see how everything looks together.

Don’t be afraid to have fun with it! Use props or interesting backgrounds to add some personality to your photos. And remember that fashion should be about expressing yourself, so don’t worry too much about being perfect.

Posting these photos on social media can also give you inspiration from other women who are in similar situations as yours or even attract like-minded individuals who appreciate the same style as yours.

Taking pictures is an excellent way for tall women to flaunt their fashionable side while discovering new ideas along the way.


Being tall is something to be proud of and should not cause any fashion challenges. With these 10 tips, you can accentuate your height and feel confident in your style choices. Remember to dress for your height, wear heels that fit well, choose clothing that flatters your figure, keep accessories short and stylish, use high heels wisely, find comfortable and breathable shoes, shop at stores with a wide selection of tall clothing options, follow fashion trends suitable for your height and take photos of yourself to show off your unique style. Embrace the beauty of being a tall woman and let it shine through in every outfit choice you make!

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